Kinnoull Primary School

Kinnoull Primary School

Life at Kinnoull Primary School


I am delighted to welcome you to Kinnoull Primary and hope that your visit to our website will help you to find all the information you require. We aim to ensure that all children at Kinnoull are happy throughout their years with us and we pride ourselves in valuing each individual child and celebrating their successes.  We welcome the support of parents, not only for their own children but also to support the wider school community.  Parental support helps to enhance the activities on offer to the children and we value offers of help in any capacity.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced and we make every effort to ensure that it is relevant to today's society and therefore meaningful to the children.  We use a variety of learning and teaching approaches and offer many opportunities for children to learn independently and as part of a group. The skills they will develop will be essential to them as they progress beyond primary school and face the demands made of them as they get older. We believe that learning should be enjoyable and that fun should be an essential part of life at Kinnoull Primary. We want our children to leave with very happy memories of their time here, having achieved success and feeling motivated and enthusiastic about their future. We also believe that it is essential to create a school community where a fundamental value system is at its core, helping us to get it right for every child.  I hope your visit to our website will give you a flavour of what and how the children learn here at Kinnoull Primary. I look forward to working in partnership with you and should you have any issues, concerns or ideas for improvement, please feel free to share these with myself or a member of our school staff.

Miss Catriona Steele

