Kinnoull Primary School

Kinnoull Primary School

Life at Kinnoull Primary School


 At the end of last year Rotakids and the RRS leaders worked together to complete the Shoebox Appeal. We filled shoeboxes with items that would be useful for people that do not have much money in Ukraine. We gave toiletries, clothing, sweets, toothbrushes, toys, candles and much more. We became pros at knowing what items were needed to complete a box. At the beginning of December, we filled Miss Steele’s car boot and dropped our shoeboxes off at The Baptist Church. 

In December we also collected clothes and toys for Buttons and Bows. Buttons Bows is a charity where people donate old toys and clothes for kids who are in need, again we filled a car boot with our donations. 


Throughout the year we have also been focusing on ‘Right of the Month.’ This is where we upload a new right every month and share it with the school at assembly. All classes have a Class Charter displayed in their classroom detailing the UNCRC articles we are focusing on; we choose these collaboratively as a class. 


The rights respecting leaders have affected the the school this term and last term by collecting donations for Perth food bank. Also, we put up posters and displays around the school teaching people about the ABCDE of rights.

A: rights are for ALL children.

B: you are BORN with your rights.

C: your right CANNOT be taken away from you.

D: you DO NOT need to do anything to have your rights.

E: all rights are EQUALLY important.








