Kinnoull Primary School

Kinnoull Primary School

Life at Kinnoull Primary School


Hello, this year's Isla House Captains for 2024 and 2025 are Evie and Brooklyn and our mascot is Idris the Isla Impala! Our job is to set up Assembly, update house points and some other stuff. Since we have been at school, house challenges have been boring and not fun! So this year, our goal is to change house challenges and make them so much fun where people can actually enjoy them!  


Hello, today we will be talking to you about 2024-2025 P7 house captains. We are Tummel House captains, and our names are Millie and Douglas, and our Mascot is Tony the Tummel Turtle. Our Job as house captain is to help out with assembly, set up and put the chairs away and our goal is to help the school and hopefully for you to enjoy coming to school. Also, the term before Christmas we always do  house Challenges (more in Isla and Garry paragraphs) which is when you do challenges (we used to do the Egg Drop) and try to win. Thank you for listening. 


Hello, we are the Garry house captains Ellie and Daniel. We are currently trying to change the school by doing different activities for each month depending on the season, class and house. We are also improving the school in different ways. We are the heads of house, so we organise the house challenges. We also organise the assembly on Monday morning.  
